Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Bigalow Bop - Do You Have Your Invitation?

After the fight with Bob Rambo, the Pastor of TBRBC, Rufus and Roscoe Bigalow decided they were still going to give $500,000.00 to RBTS so they could get on a board of trustees.

They moved their membership from TBRBC to a church out of Blog County.

They joined BTBC (Big Time Baptist Church).

They decided to throw a party for people on boards and agencies of the denomination. You can only get an invitation if you have served more than once as a committe member or trustee. You also qualify for an invitation if your church has more than one person to serve on a committee or board or if you have two or more people in your family serving. It also helps to have the right connections.

The following people have made the cut and are on the guest list for the BIGALOW BOP.

What a party it shall be.

Disclaimer: This listing constitutes no attack on the character or integrity of any name mentioned. Motivation for these nominations may need to be examined. No attempt has been made to list source connections for these nominations. The reader will be left to their own research, but the connections are legion and known to many.

The Group from Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Thabiti Anyabwil – Committee on Committees 2006
Kevin Hsu – Committee on Committees 2006
John Ingold – Golden Gate term ending 2011
Connie Brown – Southeastern Seminary term ended 2005
Christ Bruce – NAMB term ended 2004
Laura Ruth Bryant – Baptist World Alliance term ended 2005
Randy Burkholder – Ethics and Religious Liberty term ended 2005
Mark Devers – Southern Seminary term ended 2005
Andrew Johnson – Executive Committee term ended 2004
J Sebastian Traeger – Executive Committee term to end 2008
Matt Dummermuth – Southeastern Seminary term to end 2010
Ryan Townsen - Committee on Nominations 2003-04
Michael Lawrence - Committee on Committees 2003
Andrew Johnson - Committee on Nominations 2002-03
Brad Wheeler - Committee on Committees 2002
Matt Schmucker - Committee on Nominations 2000-01
Sebastian J Traeger - Committee on Nominations 1999-00
Depak Reju - Committee on Committees 2000
Michael Law, Jr. - Committee on Nominations 2005-06
Patrick Talyer - Committee on Nominations 2005-06
John Folmer - Committee on Committees 2005
Michael McKinley - Committee on Committees 2005
Kurt Heath - Committee on Nominations 2004-05
Jeremy Young Committee on Committees 2004

The Group from First Baptist Church Kenai, Alaska
Jean Pesnell - Committee on Committees 1997
Suzanne Davidson - Committee on Nominations 2004-05
Shelia Bierdeman - Committee on Nominations 2000-01
John Nichols - Committee on Committees 2000
Dean Nichols - Committee on Committees 2004
Dean Nichols - Executive Committee term ends 2006
Mary Nichols - IMB term ends 2006 moving to Texas

The Group from Beulah Baptist Church, Douglasville, GA
Wayne Bray – Committee on Committees 2006
V Wayne Rogers – New Orleans Seminary – Term ended 2004
Danny E Watters – Annuity Board – Term ended 2005

The Group from First Baptist Eustis, Florida
Kellie Kitchings – Committee on Committees – 2006
Deb Linares – Credentials Committee – 2006
Pedro Linares – Credentials Committee – 2006
Hoyt Skip Haymans – LifeWay term to end 2006

The Group from Applewood Baptist Church Wheat Ridge, CO
Steve Evans – Ethics and Religious Liberty term ended 2005
Calvin Wittman – Executive Committee term ended 2005
Calvin Wittman - Resolutions Committee 2004
Calvin Wittman - Resolutions Committee 2003
Jerry Todd Neal - Committee on Nominations 2005-06
Bob Kuntz - Committee on Committees 2005
David Strange - IMB term to end 2009
Jerry Newman - Committee on Nominations 2004-05
Julie Parr - Committee on Committees 2004
James Wagstaff Committee on Committees 2004
Peggy Oxford - Committee on Committees 1997
John Rayburn - Committee on Nominations 2003-04
Jennifer Zebel - Committee on Committees 2003
Bevan Deardorff - Golden Gate Seminary term to end 2008
John M Rayburn - Committee on Nominations 2002-2003
Thomas Devenish - Committee on Committees 1999

The Group from First Baptist Church Haysville, KS
Pat Hudson – Southeastern Seminary term to end 2011
Charles Hollingsworth – Executive Committee term ended 2005
Phillip Graves – IMB term to end 2006

The Group from Immanuel Baptist Church Wichita, KS
Terry Fox – NAMB term ended 2003
Faye Graves – Committee on Order of Business term ended 2004

The Group from Highview Baptist Church Louisville, KY
John Boone – Southern Seminary term ended 2004
Kevin Ezel – Midwestern Seminary term to end 2006
Kevin Ezel -Chair Committee on Committees 2001
Mrs. Kevin Ezel - Committee on Nominations 2005-06
Randall McGee – Southern Seminary term to end 2007
Norman Coe – IMB term to end 2008

The Group from Florida Blvd Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, LA
Tova Hutson – NAMB term to end 2010
Barbara Nylin – LifeWay term to end 2010
Stephen Trammell - Committee on Committees 2005

The Group from Mt Airy Baptist Church Mt Airy, MD
Daniel Schrider – Southwestern Seminary term ended 2004
Keith Vincent – Committee on Committees 2006
John Sadowski - Committee on Nominations 2004-05

The Group from Harmony Baptist Church Crystal Springs, MS
Glenn Miles – Southern Seminary term to end 2006
Thomas Michael Webb – LifeWay term ended 2005

The Group from First Baptist Church Jackson, MS
Eddie Kinchen – Credential Committee 2006
William T Patterson – Annuity Board term ended 2003

The Group from Hickory Grove Baptist Church Charlotte, NC
Stephen Rummage – Executive Committee term to end 2010
David Wagoner – Southeastern Seminary term to end 2008
Elmer J Dryden - Southeastern Semnary term ended 2003
Elmer J Dryden - Committee on Nominations 2005-06
Mary Dodd - Credentials Committee 2005
Wiley Martin - Committee on Committees 2005

The Group from Lawndale Baptist Church Greensboro, NC
Barry Hartis – Executive Committee term to end 2008
Donna Nealy – IMB term to end 2008
JoAnn Hampton - Committee on Nominations 2003-04

The Group from Calvary Baptist Church Winston-Salem, NC
Henry Alton Gilbert – Executive Committee term to end 2008
Henry Williamson – Southeastern Seminary term to end 2006

The Group from Trinity Baptist Church Schenectady, NY
T Van McClain – Southwestern Seminary term ended 2005
David Shackelford – Southeastern Seminary term ended 2004
John Mulligan – Annuity Board term to end 2006

The Group from Liberty Heights Baptist Church West Chester, OH
Terry Fields – Executive Committee term ended 2005
Kim Robinson – Southern Seminary term ended 2005

The Group from Peach Bottom, PA
Terry Douglas – New Orleans Seminary term to end 2009
Terry Douglas - Committee on Nominations 2001-02
Troy Lee Massey – New Orleans Seminary term ended 2004
Richard Welch – Annuity Board term ended 2005
Michael Strike - Committee on Nominations 2003-04
Mary Gervais - Committee on Committees 2003

The Group from First Baptist Church Euless, TX
James Richards – Baptist World Alliance term ended 2005
Don R O’Neal – Southwestern Seminary term to end 2008
Claude Thomas - Chairman of the Executive Committee 1999
Claude Thomas - Chairman of the Executive Committee 2000
Claude Thomas - Executive Committee term ended 2005
Wayne Lee - Committee on Nominations 2004-05

The Group from First Baptist Church Dallas, TX
Debora Brunson – IMB term to end 2006
Michael Deahl – Lifeway term to end 2010
Todd Edwards – IMB term to end 2010
Jack Smith – Southwestern Seminary term to end 2007
Jack Progue - Committee on Committees 2003

The Group from Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, TX
Jack Graham – Executive Committee term to end 2008
Ron Cherry – Southeastern Seminary term to end 2006
James David Caldwell – Executive Committee term to end 2008
Penna Dexter – Ethics and Religious Liberty term to end 2008
Ronald Muff – Annuity Board term to end 2007
Matthew Suber - Teller Committee 2005
J Keet Lewis - Committee on Nominations 2003-04
J Keet Lewis - Committee on Committees 2000

The Andersons - Clearwater Florida
Carol – Executive Committee term ended 2004
Bill – Executive Committee term ended 2005

The Caffeys -Hillcrest Baptist Church, Martinsville, VA
Fred B – LifeWay term ended 2005
Fred B – Southern Seminary term ended 1999

The Currences -First Baptist Church of Ozark, MO
Don- Credentials Committee – 2006
Donald – New Orleans Seminary term to end 2011

The Davis- from Kingsland Baptist Church, Chester VA
Jim – Committee on Committees 2006
James T – Executive Committee term ends 2010

The Greers - Durham NC
JD - BWA term ended 2005
JD - Teller Committee 2005

The Johnsons -Louisville, Kentucky now in Texas
Jerry- Southern Seminary term ended 1999
Jerry – Committee on Order of Business term ended 2001
Jerry – Committee on Order of Business term ended 2004

The Lewis - Bethel Baptist Troy, IL
Tim - Committee on Nominations 2003-04
Tim - Southeastern Seminary Term will end 2006

The Linares- Eustis Florida
Deb – Credentials Committee 2006
Pedro – Credentials Committee 2006

The Linos- Humble and Kingwood Texas
Nathan – IMB term will end 2010
Nathan – Teller Committee 2006
David – LifeWay term will end 2010

The Nichols - First Baptist Church Kenai, Alaska
Dean – Executive Committee – term to end 2006
Dean - Committee on Committees 2004
Mary – IMB – term to end 2006
John - Committee on Committees 2000

The Pinckneys – Alexandria Virginia
T C – Resolutions Committee
T C – Committee on Order of Business 2003
T C - Second VP 2001
T C – Baptist Faith and Message Study Committee

The Presslers - First Baptist Church, Houston TX
Paul – Executive Committee 84-91
Paul – IMB 92-2000
Paul – First VP 2002
Paul- Baptist World Alliance – Term ended 2005
Nancy - Resolutions Committee 2000
Jean Visy - Committee on Committees 1997

The Shrums- Inglewood Baptist Church, Nashville TN
Kevin – Credentials Committee 2006
Kevin – Midwestern Seminary term to end 2011

The Whittens -Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa Florida
Ken – IMB term ended 2005
Kenneth – Committee on Order of Business term ended 1999

The Williams - Marble Valley Baptist Church, Rutland Vermont
Eugene- Committee on Committees 2006
Rhonda- Credentials Committees 2006

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is sufficient to show a need for change in the process by which we choose trustee and committee members within the SBC.

Surely, out of over 46,000 SBC churches and missions, we should have more people who could serve just as competently yet from a broader representation of Southern Baptist churches.

Villa Rica

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Bigalow Brothers and The Pastor

Two days ago I watched the biggest fight I have seen since Verdale Scruggs and Mazelene Weddingskif went at it with axe handles and razors over who was going to marry Sweet Eddie Ludbar. The event went as follows:

I was working on my second cup of high test in Local Cafe and reading the Washington Post. I was planning to drink one more cup and go down to the hardware store and buy Mazelene and Sweet Eddie a wedding gift. I thought a new axe handle might be good since Mazelene had broken her old one over Verdale Scruggs' head in the fight to win the hand of Sweet Eddie.

The screen door flies open and in walks my second blessing, tongues talking plumber friend and with him, to my surprise, was Young Plumber that my denomination had sent to the foreign field to build new facilities for an "unfacilitated" people group. SBTTPF said: (SBTTPF is short for second blessing tongues talking plumber friend) "Villa we want to see you for a minute if you have time." "Sure, I can spare some time. I have nothing to do but go to the hardware store and buy Mazelene an axe handle." "That's what I got her, too" said SBTTPF. "Well, I am going to get her one anyway. She will probably need it if Sweet Eddie tries to sneak off." I said. "What are you doing back in the states, YP?" (YP is short for Young Plumber) YP told me he had been sent home by his Regional Director because he had gone to a very remote place to help a plumber from another denomination to build a new water facility. "That's what we want to talk to you about, Villa," said SBTTPF. "Me and YP are thinking about going back over there and putting in them new water facilities ourselves." "We were wondering if you and some of your friends would help finance the venture?" I looked at YP and then back at SBTTPF and said: "Sit down boys and let's talk about it."

As we were talking, in walked the pastor of Tobacco Barn Road Baptist Church. He did not have on his usual preacher attire. He had on a new "shark skin" suit, ox blood colored, alligator shoes with a matching belt. He had gold cuff links. There was tie pin of pure gold in the middle of his tie shaped like a Bible with the letters KJV stamped right in the middle of it. The suit was black and the tie was red. To top this off he was carrying an oxblood brief case that another alligator had given his life for. He walked up to the counter and aske Merle to give him a Latte. Merle growled back at him saying; "I have told you for eight years that we only sell high test and Sanka if you prefer decaf. If you want that other mess you will have to go down to Local College where them hippies and west coast imported teachers get theirs." "Ok, Ok, Merle." "Give me a decaf. and that can of Carnation Milk in the cooler and I will make my own as usual:" stated the pastor as he settled down at the table next to our booth. I noticed the pastor eyeing my outfit again as he usually did when our paths happened to cross. I had on my baseball cap that said "Free Wade" and my t-shirt that said "Vote Art Rogers for Mayor of Blog Town." On my fishing vest I have a great big button that says "Marty's Soup Kitchen Feeds Best. " He was really staring hard at the book I had on the table. It was entitled: "Ill Gotten Gain" By Benjamin Cole and Dorcas Hawker and edited by Kevin Bussey.

Just about the time I was going to comment on the pastor's new suit in walked the Bigalow brothers. We were all shocked because both of them had on Navy blazers and their orange ties with an emblem of a tobacco leaf in the middle. Under the leaf is written Bigalow Tobacco Farm, Smoking to Please. Roscoe and Rufus Bigalow owned the largest tobacco farm in Blog county. They were also life-time appointed deacons in Tobacco Barn Road Baptist Church. Rufus was smoking a big cigar. Merle slapped the counter and pointed to the sign on the wall which stated in large print: NO SMOKIN IN HERE, YOU MORON. Rufus pinched off the ash and put the butt in his shirt pocket.

Roscoe was looking at the pastor with pity and asked in his sweetest voice; "Preacher, did your Aunt Vessie Glen finally die?" The pastor stood up and said; "No, of course not. You know Art Rogers or Marty Duren would have put that in the obituaries of both their papers since I am the pastor of Tobacco Barn Road Baptist Church."

Rufus was the most prominent and intelligent of the Bigalow brothers so he quickly chimed in with another question much more to the point. "Then why do you have on that shiny new suit and stuff on Monday morning?" The pastor responded by saying: "If you two fine deacons had been to church in the last two months you would know why and where I am going this morning." "Preacher, you know we have to get our "backer" in from the field. That what pays you to preach for us in the first place."

At this point, I noticed the pastor's jaw tighten up just a little bit. Rufus posed his question again; "So what's the deal preacher?" The pastor responded by saying; " Last month the church voted to decrease our CP giving by 3% so that I can give 1% of the money to be put on the "Distinguished Visitors Panel" at the Big Big Theological Seminary (BBTS). The other 2% will be given to their new building program as a token of our appreciation. That new building will even have a Latte machine in it." That last statement caused Merle to mumble under his breath something about "hippie freaks." I was unable to hear the rest.

At this point Rufus said: " I got some questions. First, did you buy that suit and stuff out of that money?" "And was you planning on talking to ME about spending our money this way?"

The pastor responded by: "No, Rufus, I did not plan to talk to you. It was a church decision and you were not there and you are not the whole church." The pastor followed up with his own question: "Where are you two going with your blue blazers and orange ties? You only wear that to the annual Tobacco Fair every year and that is several months away."

Rufus looked a little uneasy. He said; "We are going to give $500,000.00 to the Really Big Theological Seminary (RBTS) for their new building program. A guy from there visited with us and said that we would both be put on a trustee board of some kind if we gave such a generous gift. We can even have our pick of which board. We are gonna be voted in at the June meeting in San Francisco. I ain't never been there before and I am going along with Roscoe. We are taking the whole family and staying in the Head Quarters Hotel. They already have our rooms reserved".

The Pastor spoke quietly now. He asked; "Is that $500,000.00 the surplus money from your tobacco crop that you have already promised to the Kiki Cherry state mission offering, The Annie Armstrong Home Missions Offering and the Lottie Moon Foreign Missions Offering?" "You also said that you were going to give part of it to extend the children's Sunday School wing of the educational building for Dorcas Hawker's children's division." "Is that the money you are giving to RBTS, Rufus?"

"I reckon it is , preacher, I reckon it is," said Rufus. "You are nothing but a vain, self-serving man Rufus Bigalow," stated the pastor. " That's the fox calling the weasel a chicken thief," responded Rufus.

"Preacher, you still didn't answer what I asked you a minute ago. Did you buy that suit out of the 3% of redirected CP money?"

"No!" answered the pastor. " I traded two of my prized bird dog puppies to Rudy Bell at the Men's Store for everything that I have on. I am an honorable man and would never cheat or go back on my word like you have."

At this point Roscoe, who was a big muscled guy but lacking in brains got into the picture.

He got right in the pastor's face and shouted, "You promised to sell them two puppies to me so I could give them to my boy Ronnie Duke, for his birthday present." "What kind of man of God are you?" "This is going to break my Ronnie Duke's heart."

"BBTS needs that money for the future. I need to make a good impression as I represent Tobacco Barn Road Baptist Church in giving it to them. You can find Ronnie Duke another Bird dog, Roscoe." said the pastor.

Rufus got back into the fray. "You are giving BBTS over $34,000.00 a year if you do this. I just now figgered it up while y'all was talking about them stupid puppies."

Roscoe looked at Rufus and back at the pastor. "Rufus, them puppies ain't stupid and preacher, you promised them to Ronnie Duke and I am going to take that suit and stuff off and away from you right now and take it back to Rudy Bell to get them puppies back for my youngun."

With that said, Roscoe reached a big hand the size of a Virginia ham out to grab the pastor.

Roscoe had forgotten one paragraph in the pastor's resume. Before the pastor became a Christian, he had been a repo man for Quick Rickey's Car Lot, a bar bouncer at Slim Mickey's Saloon and Steakhouse and a skip-chaser (bounty hunter for the poorly educated) for Arlon's Bail Bonds and Laundry Mat.

Before Rosco could grab the pastor, he hit him in the sternum, jack-slapped him on both ears and snap kicked him under the chin. Roscoe fell across the booth between me, SBTTPF and YP. He was praying that the Lord would let him live to see Ronnie Duke grow up and questioning the Lord as to why He had let their church call a demonic for a pastor. Finally, he started uttering something that I thought may be tongues. SBTTPF assured YP and me that it was not. It was just moaning due to pain.

Rufus looked at the pastor and said: "I am gonna get Ronnie Duke's Little League bat out of the truck and beat you to death, preacher. You have probably done killed my little brother and ruined my trip to RBTS.

The pastor just stood and waited calmly in the middle of the floor. Roscoe continued to pray about a demon invading his life and church. He finally slid into the floor and continued to pray and moan.

Rufus came running back into Local Cafe. He had a Little League bat raised over his left shoulder. Without warning, Merle jumped over the counter and hit Rufus square in the face with a 14 inch round iron frying pan. Rufus looked strange and tried to get the cigar from his shirt pocket and put it in his mouth. He did not make it. Merle hit him again and pointed to the sign on the wall that stated: NO SMOKIN IN HERE, YOU MORON.

Rufus fell in the floor, he was knocked out cold as a "tater."

Strange, the things we forget about about the people we see every day. You see: Merle had served long ago with the Navy Seal Team 6.

Merle said; "I ain't gonna have nobody beatin up no preacher in my place with no bat, no time."

With that he grinned at the pastor and said, "I think I will put a little Latte machine in here in your honor, preacher."

The pastor said; "You know, I think, maybe, the church should rethink that 3%. Our missionaries need it and our preacher boys need it more than I need to be on the DVP of the BBTS or than the BBTS needs a new building."

"Good for you, pastor, good for you." I said.

Roscoe was beginning to come to. The pastor said, "I will give you the other two bird dog puppies for Ronnie Duke. They are the best ones anyway, Roscoe. Help me and Merle get Rufus into the truck so you and me can take him to Dr. Holiday's office to be checked out."

I looked at SBTTPF and then at YP and said." I will help you guys if necessary, but let's drink one more cup of high test and then go over to my cousin Wade's place and see if we can get YP re-instated. I really believe Cousin Wade is going to be able to help with that even more so, real soon.

Villa Rica

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter in Blog Town

Sister Dorcas,

I have not been at home much lately. I did stop by your place a couple of times to help Brother Cole fix a tire on his automobile.

I have been across Blog Town at the Triablogue Theological Library reading great helpings of Brother GeneM. and works from other interesting guys. Those folks are amazing. I took four ham and onion sandwiches, chips and seven diet drinks plus a thermal container of high test from Local Cafe each day I was there. I had a most wonderful time reading those guys.

I just started back home and saw everyone parked in your yard. I also see that Brother Kevin B is starting up the BBQ in your back yard. I am going to clean up, put on a fresh: VOTE ART ROGERS--MAYOR OF BLOG TOWN T- shirt and my baseball cap with FREE WADE embroidered on it, get some sweet onions from my garden and come right down.

I plan to tell you all about what I saw at Local Cafe involving the Bigalow brothers and the pastor of TBRBC next week. I do not want to deal with it now because it is so close to Easter.

I do hope everyone is still going up on the hill where Brothers Wade and Marty erected the big Cross in the Dogwood grove. I have always enjoyed that time wherein we reflect upon the price our Lord paid to save us from death, Hell, and the grave.

We have all sinned and purposely missed God's standard of holiness.

We have all earned death for our sin. Yet, God saw fit to give us the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

O! happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away. There is power in the Blood. The old rugged cross made the difference. He is risen. He is alive.

Come on let's lay everything else aside for a few moments and ya'll help me sing some songs to Jesus. Just pick one and belt out a line. The rest of us will follow. We might just have a revival start right here in Blog Town for Easter. If you want to read a favorite passage, please do so.

Come join us and celebrate Jesus on our side of town. Hey, from any town: just come and join in.

Villa Rica

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


At Local Cafe, this morning, I had 3 cups of high test, and an interesting conversation with a plumber about drain cleaners and his memory of receiving the second blessing as evidenced by speaking in tongues.

He was very amazed when I told him that even though he was a very good plumber my denomination would never let him repair plumbing on the foreign field but would most certainly allow him to repair our stopped up facilities state side as long as he gave us a proper ministers' discount. I also informed him that if he was already trying to do plumbing on the foreign field that no plumber that worked for our IMB could help him with his work no matter how great the need or how much better it would be if they could work together.

A young tort lawyer overheard our conversation. He wanted to know why the plumber could fix our old toilets at the IMB in Richmond but could not install new ones in a foreign country, especially due to the fact that many places so desperately need good plumbing.

He questioned the plumber on his qualifications. The plumber told him he was state board certified and had finished head of his class at plumbing and pipe fitting school. He said, very proudly, that he even had an international certification to do new work in countries that did not have established facilities.

I told the tort lawyer that the problem had nothing to do with the plumber's capabilities nor did it have to do with the evident need for new facilities in foreign countries. What is the problem then? the lawyer demanded. I told him that the problem is in the fact that the plumber has openly stated that he has had the second blessing. It has nothing to do with his vast experience, his training, his certification, or his great desire to establish new water works facilities in a foreign land.

The tort lawyer jumped up, left a 10 spot on the table along with today's NEW YORK POST, told us the coffee was on him, and ran out the door yelling back that if he could verify my story he may become more famous than JOHN GRISHAM. I told him to call Art Rogers and Marty Duren. They could verify the story.

The plumber looked at me puzzled. Who is John Grisham, Villa? I think he's a Presbyterian, I answered. What does he have to do with plumbing? Nothing: I answered. OK. Who are these Art and Marty guys? One is an Owl and the other is an Eagle: I answered. Villa!! You are a crazy old Dude, Man. Thanks: I said. I have not heard that in a long time.

Let's have another cup of coffee and read the Post. It is on the lawyer, you know. My plumber friend thought that was a good idea.

Moral of the story: It is amazing how clear things become drinking high test coffee at Local Cafe talking to plumbers and tort lawyers.

Let me add this about coffee. I read the blog of Sister Dorcas earlier in the evening. It seems that someone wants to label her as a hypocrite due to the fact that she spends money on Starbucks coffee and has the audacity to challenge excessive spending in SBC institutions. The Bottom line on that is: Sister Dorcas is a Southern Baptist in a cooperating Southern Baptist church which gives her the perfect right to challenge anything she wants to bring into question.

Anyway, that is how it was intended to be back before the days of thrones, kingdoms, kings, queens, dukes, earls, knights, and knight’s pages.

So in conclusion let me repeat a quote from that famous theologian of an earlier time in American history that would relate well to the one who called Sister Dorcas a hypocrite.
-----------------Donna Sommer-------------------------
Hang in there Sister Dorcas. Those that know, know you are right. Those that do not will soon learn if they so desire.

Villa Rica: